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- 2025-07-20: dblp and ORCID 2025 [Blog]
In the past, we often discussed how helpful ORCIDs are for our work. An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique personal identifier that scientists can attach to their work. The ORCID ensures that this work is linked to the correct scientist an not to someone else with […]
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- 2025-05-13: Dr. Michael Ley to receive the ACM Distinguished Service Award [Press Release]
The world’s largest computing society, the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), has bestowed its prestigious ACM Distinguished Service Award 2025 on computer scientist Dr. Michael Ley of Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Center for Informatics and of Trier University. ACM thus recognizes Dr. Ley’s achievement in the creation and unceasing editorial curation of […]
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- 2025-03-26: 5 million publications [News]
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- 2025-03-24: dblp computer science bibliography surpasses 5 million publications [Press Release]
On March 23rd, 2025, the dblp computer science bibliography indexed its 5 millionth publication. By doing so, the world’s largest openly accessible metadata collection of computer science publications doubled in size during the course of just six years. Thus, dblp consolidates its role as an export hit from Germany, which […]
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- 2025-03-18: Name disambiguation suffixes in dblp [Blog]
gh-proxy:基于反向伟理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伟理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive伡及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本伡及Python版本。
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